Monday, June 9, 2014

First Week in Germany

Hello to all my readers!

It is hard to believe that I have been in Germany now for a week already! Luckily, today is a holiday here in Germany so I thought today would be a good time to catch everyone up on what I have been up to. It has been an amazing time so far though. I am working in a lab here at the Stuttgart Campus (more like the science part of the campus). So far research is going well, I have already made part of the molecule that I am suppose to be making. Here is some pictures of the lab I am working in.

Its a pretty big lab actually, there are 5 graduate students that work in the lab. It has been cool to work in the lab though because it is so much different then labs in college courses. Mostly because, you are able to work at your own pace, meaning if I am working on a reaction for the day, and get it done early, I can leave and go home. Also, it is nice to be able to work on something that I have more control of how I complete the lab instead of being told how to exactly complete the process. In the lab I am working, it is very common to go eat lunch and then after lunch to go have coffee break right after. Which I find very relaxing. It is different though how much more relaxed everyone seems to be here when it comes to there jobs, for example, most places are not open past 4 during the week and no stores are open on Sunday. 

Old Castle

Luckily I didn't spend all my time in the lab this week, and was able to go and see the Altes Schloß (or the old castle) in Stuttgart. Unfortunately, the castle was closed when we arrived so I was only able to get pictures of the outside of the castle. It is also next to the New Castle which is currently being used for the German government building here in Stuttgart. However, it is still a very pretty area to be at especially during the weekend when everyone is out on the lawn relaxing.The New Castle is the one that is pictured below, I couldn't get a good picture of the whole building because the statue that stands in front of the building is being repaired.
New Castle
New Castle
I was also able to go to both the Mercedes and Porsche Museum here in Stuttgart. Now a lot of people like the Mercedes Museum more then the Porsche one because it is 8 stories tall were as the Porsche Museum is only 2. But the Porsche museum lets you sit inside of a Porsche.... So I mean you can decided for your self which Museum you like better.
It was still a very cool experience to go though both Museums and see all of the cars that were on display, especially since Mercedes had such a high influence on the first cars that were made. Also, at the Mercedes Museum, you were given an audio tour which allowed you to listen in on whatever you wanted to at the Museum instead of having to hear the same things over and over again. Which is why I have headphones on in the Mercedes picture. I also got to see the outside of the Mercedes Benz Arena which is were Stuttgart's Fußball team plays. Well short of uploading all 150+ pictures I have taken so far this week I think this is about it for this week. Hopefully you enjoyed the read. Oh, I almost forgot! The beer in Germany is in fact the best beer I have ever had, just thought I would mention that.

Till next time!

Jonathan Stahl

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